public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "social networking"

February 2009

Spotify – A world of music. Instant, simple and free

by sbrothier & 1 other, 1 comment
Spotify is a new way to enjoy music. Simply download and install, before you know it you’ll be singing along to the genre, artist or song of your choice. With Spotify you are never far away from the song you want.

January 2009

pingboard - Google Code

by Xavier Lacot, 1 comment
Pingboard is a simple Mac OS X Dashboard widget for posting to the social aggregator service.The client is eprforming well, but it's just a shame that it looks so ugly!

November 2008


by PêUR
Busineo permet aux utilisateurs enregistrés de cibler rapidement le bon interlocuteur professionnel et d’acquérir des coordonnées professionnelles pertinentes précises. Le service permet également l’échange, l’achat ou la vente de Contacts dans le cadre des offres et formules d’abonnement proposées.


by PêUR & 4 others
Site de fabrication on demand

October 2008

September 2008


by xlr8
All Your Media Stored In One Page... Access It From Anywhere, Play It Everywhere !

Vinivino - Évaluez, partagez, recherchez et inventoriez des vins! - Évaluation de vins, recommendation de vins

by sbrothier
Vinivino est une communauté d’amateurs de vin conçue pour maximiser vos futurs achats de vin. Garder l’inventaire de vos vins grâce à nos outils de cave à vins simples. Un vrai guide de vins adapté selon vos intérêts.

Guide du vin - Vinogusto -

by sbrothier & 1 other
Vinogusto est un espace ouvert et convivial pour découvrir, commenter et partager les vins et les adresses pour le vin Pour essayer...inscrivez-vous

August 2008


by sbrothier & 21 others
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you. OpenStreetMap allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth. - upload. share. archive.

by PêUR & 5 others
Magazines anglophones à lire en ligne, illégal mais c'est en Suède...

by Xavier Lacot & 5 others
lgg is an open, flexible social application engine, designed to run at the heart of any socially-aware application. Building on Elgg is easy, and because the engine handles common web application and social functionality for you, you can concentrate on developing your idea.

July 2008

myAWOL: A Music Label For The Digital Age

by sbrothier
myAWOL (My Artists Without Labels) is looking to show the big four how it’s done. The site is taking a multi-pronged approach to tackle the music industry with the web: first, it will roll out a professional database to help establish itself as an authority in the space. Then, this Fall, it will introduce a consumer site that will function as a mix between a music community, online television channel, and independent music label.

June 2008

Helia | Questions, Feedbacks, Carrières, Emploi, Tout sur l'Univers Professionnel

by PêUR & 1 other
Helia, c'est le réseau professionnel de partage d'expériences sur les entreprises, les métiers, les formations et les secteurs d'activité. Emploi, ambiance, valeurs, compétences, évolution de carrière, salaires, équipes, stages ou encore entretien d'embauche sont autant de thèmes abordés sur les Sphères Helia.

May 2008